Step 2. Book an appointment for discussion

Step 3. Meeting

Step 4. Review of Ethical Recruitment

Step 5. Present organizational plan to FiNAN

Step 6. Get involve with organization's activities

Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies have the responsibility to ensure the proper, systematic and well-organized recruitment of Filipino nurses and other foreign nationals to Finland from the Philippines and other low and middle-income countries.

Agencies showing interest to collaborate with FiNAN must follow the steps mentioned to ensure and protect the interest of the recruited nurses to Finland.

Please read our guidelines carefully. No agency shall use FiNAN's name for personal interest and without the permission of the organization.

Check the ethical recruitment guidelines and recommendations of FiNAN. Click here.

How can we help you?

Inquiries? Problems at work?

Recruited Filipino Nurses

The Society of Filipino Nurses in Finland (SocFiN) and Filipino Nurses Community in Denmark (FiNCiD) which are under FiNAN Group will be involved in the integration plan and implementation of ethical recruitment of recruited Filipino Nurses to the Nordic Region.

1. Read the contract carefully especially the stipulated salary, work hours and duties and responsibilities.

2. Language training

3. Consult pre-arrrival experts e.g. FiNAN

4. Get to know the culture in advance

5. Upon arrival to the Nordic Region, get involved with FiNAN's activities for mentoring and support. Become a member of FiNAN.

6. FiNAN implements the integration course programme.

7. Join the General Assembly to meet other Filipino nurses reciding in the country or within the Nordic Region. 

8. Focus and have a goal. Avoid extravagances during your first few years.