Akuuttihoitotyö, Kansanterveystiede, Hoitotyön koulutus, Kansainvälisten sairaanhoitajien integroitomis-ja pätevöitymiskoulutus
Dialyysi ja perioperatiivinen hoitotyö
Elinsiirto, perioperatiivinen ja teho hoitotyö
Gerontologinen hoitotyö ja teho hoitotyö
Hoitotiede, hoitotyön yrittäjyys, genominen hoitotyö
Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö
Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö
Study Nursing in Northern Finland at Oulu University of Applied Sciences! The application period is from January 4-18, 2023.
The Head of the Degree Programme is a Filipino!
Fore more information, please click here.
The Arcada University of Applied Sciences and the Filipino Nurses Association in the Nordic Region signed a Memorandum of Agreement to address the needs and challenges of Internationally Educated Nurses through nursing education.
The main aim of the collaboration is to enhance the nursing skills of internationally educated nurses (IENs) that will adhere to the Finnish standards under European Union Directive 55.
Learn the Finnish Alphabet with medical terminologies as an example so you learn Finnish vocabularies at the same time.
Learn how to greet a patient in Finnish language with sample conversation. Let's also review the words used in the sentences.
Learn the basic Finnish vocabularies that are used in the nursing home with some example sentences.
The Society of Filipino Nurses Association in Finland's participation in local, national and international events.
Picture: MTV News
Our chairperson was interviewed on how we can recruit foreign nurses in an ethical manner.
Picture: Petri Aaltonen, YLE News
International nurses could be a solution to Finland's shortage of nurses.
Picture: Helsingin Sanomat
Julie Dela Cruz Huuskonen featured at Helsingin Sanomat about her story as a Nurse in Finland.
Picture: YLE, All North's Point
Research Consultant Anndra Margareth Dumo represented FiNAN's Chairperson at YLE's All North's Point discussio on the issue of Filipino Nurses challenges to get registered as a Nurse in Finland.