European Initiatives for Health Research and Development  

Roumeline Aglipay

FiNAN Board Member

Europe’s attractiveness as a place for research and innovation has increased and produced high-quality patents and created jobs and growth. Health research is believed to be a path to better health, a means to improve health care outcomes and costs. Global partnerships in health research create opportunities for enhanced learning, innovation and better health. Well-being and prevention research and implementation should be embedded in a comprehensive health research policy. Thus cross-border collaborations and partnerships for multi-sectoral is of value and should be facilitated.

John P.A. Ioannidis mentioned the features to consider in appraising whether clinical research is useful. Features which includes Problem base, Context placement, Information gain, Pragmatism, Patient centeredness, Value for money, Feasibility and Transparency. He also mentioned points on how to survive the medical misinformation mess.

  • Much published medical research is not reliable or is of uncertain reliability, offers no benefit to patients, or is not useful to decision-makers.
  • Most healthcare professionals are not aware of this problem.
  • Even if they are aware of this problem, most healthcare professionals lack the skills necessary to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of medical evidence.
  • Patients and families frequently lack relevant, accurate medical evidence and skilled guidance at the time of medical decision-making.

How health research relevant to the nursing profession? Although the majority of nurses who provide patient care will be consumers of health research/nursing research, implementing evidence-based nursing practice (EBP) is crucial to provide optimal nursing care. Information from health research has the potential to directly impact the care provided to patients in all health care settings. It is important because it aims to provide the most effective, high-quality care that is available, with the aim of improving patient outcomes, reduce costs and eliminate practices that have become obsolete or are not effective anymore. The research, therefore, helps nurses determine effective best practices and improve patient care. Thus, patients too, expect to receive the most effective care based on the best available evidence. And through the practice of health promotion, nurses provide patients with the information they need to manage and ultimately improve their health. A nurse's work environment makes it easy to take advantage of routine interaction with a patient and use it as an opportunity to educate.

Health research can and deliberately be focused on one thing and be blind-folded in some ways, causing a large sum of money on the drain. I.e. research on how an individual can reach 200 years of age, is this acceptable or even humane? How can we stop this cycle? Corporations and government bodies should be vigilant in approving and funding research. In addition, both the corporation/government bodies and the researchers should be always transparent in their results, be it a success or a failure. In some cases, corruption amongst corporations is visible, picking out their own researchers, and publishing only the good results for the benefit of their own. Vigilance, I say can be a good trait in conducting health research.


Roumeline Aglipay is currently working as a Home Care Nurse in Norway and has an experienced in managerial position in nursing at the Medical City in Makati in the Philippines. She is also the current chair of the FiNAN Norway Chapter and Board Member of FiNAN International.